Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Instep Double Jogging Strollers - Which One Is Right For You?

If you have more than one small child buying an Instep double Jogging Stroller could be an excellent idea.  Instep provides choices to assist you in getting exactly what you need - whether a stroller for hard core joggers or one for more general use.  Here are just two of the InStep models from Instep to choose from.

Unfortunately not all "jogging strollers" can be used for real jogging.  This may not make much sense at first glance, but it is more of a marketing thing.  True jogging stroller have large - 16 to 20 inch - wheels, most are air filled and the front wheel is fixed. This allows for higher speeds during your run.  These strollers are made for long straight runs.

The second kind of jogging stroller has the same large wheels, but the front wheel swivels allowing for better maneuvering around corners.  The front wheel can be fixed for higher speeds but most tend to vibrate as the locking mechanism ages.

The last kind of jogging stroller is more of a general purpose 3 wheeler actually.  The wheels are 6 to 12 inches and are usually of less forgiving solid plastic.  These are more for brisk walking.  These won't be considered here.

If you are a dedicated jogger you should consider the InStep Ultra Runner 2Instep Ultra Runner 2 - Green,  this stroller is truly for the serious runner.  This stroller is an extended 3 wheel stroller with all three wheels 16-inch, air filled, smooth riding wheels.  The front wheel is fixed to avoid annoying vibration, however the stroller is so well balanced that lifting the front wheel to turn is a breeze.

The only concerns I have about the stroller is the canopy leaves a bit to be desired as far as facing the sun is concerned. It needs to be a bit more adjustable.
Second concern is that the seat needs to have more padding.  You can get after market seat pads or use a folded blanket.

InStep Suburban Safari Double Jogging Stroller

Should you be more of a brisk walker, like me, you will be interested in the InStep SuburbanInStep Suburban Safari Double Jogging Stroller (red/grey) Safari Double Jogging Stroller.

This stroller is more of a general outdoor model for more all around use.  If you are not up to blazing speed running this is the stroller for you.  This is made for brisk walks and slow leisurely strolls through parks and woods.

The front wheel swivels although you can lock it in place if needed.  It has comfortable seats, a 5-point harness and a large sized under-seat basket.  It is very easy to push even one handed.

Again the canopy does not provide much shade facing the sun.

You really can't make a bad decision with the choices of the InStep Double Strollers, the Safari for us more laid back types and the Ultra Runner 2 for the blistering pace crowd.